Parents for Choral Arts
Parents for Choral Arts (PCA)
A 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization (Tax ID is 26-3487105)
The Parents for Choral Arts (PCA) is comprised of all parents of students who participate in the South Lakes High School Choral Program.
The evolution of the South Lakes Choral Arts Program is dependent upon the support of the SLHS students, administration, parents, and community.
PCA needs your support. Here is how you can make a difference:
- If you are a parent or legal guardian of a SLHS Chorus student, click here to join the PCA
- If you are a family member or friend of the chorus program (including alumni), click here to become a Friends and Family PCA member
- If you would like to make a donation, click here to make a donation.
- To volunteer, email president@southlakeschorus.org
Mission Statement
The Parents of the Choral Arts (PCA) is committed to serving the South Lakes High School Choral Arts Program by:
- Assuming leadership in creating and organizing musical, social, and educational opportunities and activities for SLHS Choral Arts students.
- Providing means to fund musical events and activities that will academically and musically enrich the education of SLHS Choral Arts students
- Encouraging enculturation and music appreciation within the community by publicizing concerts and musical events presented by SLHS Choral Arts Program
- Advocating the value of participating in a choral music.
These bylaws were approved by the PCA board and were immediately effective on December 18, 2014.
We offer a level of membership for everyone, so please join us today and become an active supporter of our Choral Program. Your membership (one per household) entitles you to attend and vote at our monthly booster meetings. In addition, each household will be recognized by name in all choral concert programs.
- If you are a parent or legal guardian of a SLHS Chorus student, click here to join the PCA
- If you are a family member or friend of the chorus program (including alumni), click here to become a Friends and Family PCA member
The South Lakes Choral Program is comprised of 160 talented and enthusiastic vocal performers. Every year we seek additional funding to enable all these students to participate in valuable educational opportunities. Booster organizations, like Parents for Choral Arts (PCA) are created to fill this gap by providing organized fundraising and volunteer support to the Choral director. In order to fulfill this mission, the PCA provides several fundraising events and ongoing fundraising opportunities.
PCA Reimbursement Request
2016-17 PCA Reimbursement Request Form
Executive Board (2024 / 2025)
President | Heather Smith |
Vice President | Jeremy Freer |
Treasurer | Ruth Cariaga |
Secretary | Elizabeth Anderson |
Committee Chairs
The South Lakes Choral Program is a success because of the commitment of its volunteers. Please consider volunteering for any open positions by sending an e-mail to the President.
Membership Chair | Melissa Norris |
Web Administrator | Christine DiGiovacchino |
Broadway Night Chair Co-Chairs | Courtney Korb & Kristin Sunderman |
PCA meetings typically occur on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the SLHS Chorus room, with exceptions for holidays, and are posted on the calendar.