Archive – Spring Trip 2013
We’re going to Charleston! Well, at least our kids are. Here’s the itinerary for the trip. Because it’s important to everyone that this trip is successful and costs are managed properly, we have a travel contract which needs to be returned by January 18. To summarize, here are the important dates:
January18: First installment payment is due.
January 18: Return the travel contract to Mrs. Gigliotti.
February 8: Second installment payment is due.
March 15: Third installment payment is due. This last payment amount will vary depending on the student’s fundraising efforts.
April 10 – 14: Trip to Charleston. Here’s the itinerary as published in January 2013.
Latest Forms
[warning]There are a number of students that haven’t turned in critical forms. Here are the lists:
Students missing OTC Forms
Students missing ECC Forms[/warning]
The Forms Packet contains
– Cover Letter containing general info and forms needed (in parentheses below)
– Forms Explanation
– Rules and Regulations and Acknowledgement Form (3)
– Severe Weather / Emergency Form (7)
– Over the Counter Medication Form (9)
Parental Authorization (1)
Luggage Search Form (2)
Epipen Authorization (From 2012)
Inhaler Authorization (From 2012) (4)
Medication Guidelines (From 2012)
Medication Authorization (From 2012) (5)
Teacher Signature Form (6)
Emergency Care Form – Blank (8)
The SLHS PCA wants all students to have the opportunity to go on a spring trip at least once during their 4 year high school experience. We understand that some students may not get that chance if there isn’t some support. The PCA sets up a scholarship fund each year that comes from individual donations and we are pleased to offer six(6) scholarships this year.
Please submit the Application for students who wish to go on the Spring Trip this year but who cannot afford to fund the entire cost. The PCA scholarships will pay approximately half ($350) of the trip.
The scholarship form must be completed and turned in by Wednesday, January 23. Each application will be reviewed and awarded on receipt. This process is on a first come, first serve basis so the sooner you submit your form the better your chances of getting a scholarship.